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Light-footed through every obstacle

As the compression partner to the XLETIX Run series – Germany’s largest extreme obstacle run – CEP has developed a limited edition running sock line. The Obstacle Run Compression Socks are exactly what you need to take on all the challenges that await you at the XLETIX Run. They feature precisely defined medi compression to constantly replenish your muscles with energy so that you can power through the obstacles and still feel fit after the course. This effect also helps you recover much faster. What’s more, the compression ensures a constant supply of nutrients to your muscles – for non-stop light-footed action. Targeted proprioception in your muscles is another benefit that guarantees maximum stability to prevent injuries. The wrap-around foot section fits perfectly so you can take on any obstacle and go the distance without getting blisters. The Obstacle Run Compression Socks come in the distinctive colors silver, gold and anthracite, each with their own pattern. You can even get them with the XLETIX logo, which tells everyone you competed in the race.


  • medi compression replenishes the energy reserves in your muscles while you run
  • Gets valuable nutrients to your muscles – for non-stop light-footed action
  • Heightens proprioception in your muscles – for maximum stability so you can stay the course


XLETIX Compression Socks men



    서울 강서구 강서로 161, 102호
    화곡역 5번출구

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    T: 02-6959-3520




    예금주 : 바코메드


    • 사업자 등록번호 : 109-86-44139

    • 대표자 : 이세영

    • 의료기기판매업 제1231호

    • 통신판매업신고번호 : 제2014-서울강서-0687호

    • 의료기기 광고심의필 2015-GN1-10-0028

    카카오톡  ID




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